Haitian Holiday Traditions

Christmas and the New Year are a special time in Haiti, but as with every country, there are many unique traditions that Haitians enjoy during the holiday season.  The vast majority of Haitians identify as Christians, so Christmas plays an important role in their lives. They decorate their homes with freshly cut trees from the […]

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Why Is It So Hard to Get an Education in Haiti?

Classroom full of students in Haiti

Haiti’s literacy rate is one of the lowest in the world – only about 61% of adults able to read and write. To understand some of the challenges facing students trying to get an education Haiti, it’s important to first understand how the educational system in Haiti works.  The educational system is based on the […]

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Resilience in the Face of Crisis

Classroom full of students in Haiti

As our students prepare to return to school for the first time in months, they face more challenges than usual. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire world, and there have been more than 7,000 confirmed cases in Haiti. The actual number is likely higher because many Haitians are reluctant to seek treatment due to […]

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Educating Girls Impacts Generations

A Haitian girl in her classroom reading

“If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family – and a whole nation.” —African Proverb Helping impoverished and disadvantaged girls receive an education is something very important to us here at L’ecole Dinaus Mixed School. Of our currently enrolled 138 students, eighty …Read more […]

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